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I live on the ocean, write women's fiction, love to read so much that it's an addiction rather than a hobby (I read an average of a book a day). I live on the wet west coast so it's a good thing that I like to walk in the rain.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Witchy Chicks - Charmed & Ready by Candace Havens

We're on book five of six in my review of Witchy Chicks' books and I'm running out of superlatives. I have no idea how I'll make it through to book six, but the one thing I have to tell you - having read all their books, I'm unbearably proud to be a member of the Witchy Chicks. These women rock!

And so does Candy Havens' Charmed & Ready. This is book two of a series that began with Charmed & Dangerous. I have no idea - though I bet Candy does - what the next book is going to be called but I'm gonna take a guess and say it'll be something like Charmed & (fill in the blank yourself).

This book is funny, smart and witchily wacky. Bronwyn is young, single (sort of), powerful (for at least part of the book - the rest of the time she's recuperating from the evil magic that keeps getting thrown at her - which makes her much more human) and in love - and that's a big part of the charm of this book. Bron, like a lot of women who've been single for a while, is having trouble adjusting to being part of a couple - even when the other half is gorgeous and drop-dead sexy. She loves Sam - she doesn't ever question that - but she does question (and don't we all?) her ability to maintain a relationship and still do her job.

Because Bronwyn has a job that's crucial to the wellbeing of her world and she spends a lot of her time away from Sam, travelling the world doing that job. She chases demons, acts as bodyguard to the prime minister and his close pal, Zane, the sexiest rockstar in the world (my guess is Candy loves Bono), while trying to maintain her relationship with Sam.

The book moves from Manhattan to Sweet, Texas (where Bronwyn lives on the rare occasions she's not out saving the world), to the beach at Malibu - you get the picture. This witch is a bona fide member of the jetset club - she even owns and flies her own jet - given to her by a sheikh named Azir, one of the richest men in the world.

And Bronwyn's biggest battle? The one she wages to get Sam back - and it's wonderful, charming and oh-so-sexy.

Charmed & Ready is a great read and I can hardly wait for Charmed & .... to arrive in the bookstores. I want to see how Bronwyn and Sam are doing and if Bron has finally figured out how to be part of a couple. I want to see if Zane settles down and finds a girlfriend of his own. I want to see what happens with Azir and if he gets a girlfriend of his own. I want to see what parts of the world Bron ends up in for the next instalment of her adventures. I want to see, well, I guess what I want most of all is for this series to keep on keeping on.



LadyVampire2u said...

I was lucky enough to win this book and have to say that I think Candace Havens is a fabulous author. She just has a way with her words that provides an excellent story and gets you hooked within the first few sentences.

Jeanette J said...

Gee, talk about multi-tasking! Bronwyn sure gets around..sounds like fun

tetewa said...

I know the second book will be as good if not better than the first. Looking forward to the third also!

Theresa N. said...

I've heard lots of good reviews for Candace's Charmed books. Looks like this is another keeper.

Meljprincess said...

I'd love to win this book. CHARMED AND DANGEROUS was excellent!

ChristyJan said...

Well...it looks like I need to add Charmed and Dangerous AND Charmed and Ready to my shopping list.