About Me

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I live on the ocean, write women's fiction, love to read so much that it's an addiction rather than a hobby (I read an average of a book a day). I live on the wet west coast so it's a good thing that I like to walk in the rain.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The art of the winter sunset

It usually rains in Vancouver in February - so sunsets of any kind are few and far between. This was last night's sunset - an absolutely beautiful walk on the beach in the early evening as the sun fell beneath Vancouver Island.

See those mountains in the distance? Those are Vancouver Island. We only get to see them half a dozen times a year when there's the perfect combination of circumstances -

1. Sunshine - which doesn't often happen in the winter, remember, Vancouver is the land of the rain;

2. Clear skies - again, if the wind's in the wrong direction, there's just enough pollution to mask this far distant island;

3.  I actually have to be out on the beach at the exact right moment.

And I was - and it was perfect.


1 comment:

Lisa DiDio said...

Gorgeous!! I really need to get my passport... ;)