About Me

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I live on the ocean, write women's fiction, love to read so much that it's an addiction rather than a hobby (I read an average of a book a day). I live on the wet west coast so it's a good thing that I like to walk in the rain.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Christopher Walken - HAIRSPRAY

Okay, I admit it, I'm a huge Christopher Walken fan. I've loved him in everything I've seen him in, from the sublimely weird to the ridiculous to the amazing. I loved him in Mouse Hunt as the exterminator, I loved him as the extremely odd director in America's Sweethearts (a movie he made for me), I loved him in Blast from the Past (one of those movies that's much much better than anyone could possibly have guessed), I loved him in The Milagro Beanfield War. I could go on and on (what about Sarah Plain and Tall?) but I won't.

I loved the original Hairspray with RuPaul, loved the stage show, and I loved this movie (with a single exception - I thought John Travolta just didn't cut it in this role - he was trying too hard and it was too obvious). Christopher Walken can dance, he can act, and he's got that amazing face that just doesn't stop. Once again, he made this movie for me.

Thanks, Christopher, for cheering me up on a rainy day when I really needed the joy.


1 comment:

hornblower said...

Thanks for that recommendation - I'll have to check it out.

Sarah Plain and Tall & the sequel - I think he's even better in the sequel - were my dd's favourite movies for a long time so I've seen them an insanely large # of times. I have to admit that at first I was half expecting him to get incredibly violent just because of Deer Hunter. But he can do tender and achingly loving amazingly well.
