In case you've wondered where I've been for the past few weeks, I've been right here, sitting at my desk and ignoring all the work I should be doing.
I've been in serious procrastination mode. I don't know if you've noticed, but for me, if I'm avoiding one thing, I'm avoiding pretty much everything. So if I'm avoiding working on my novella - I'm avoiding blogging, I'm avoiding dealing with my emails, I'm avoiding everything I can.
There's really no reason for it that I can see except maybe the change of seasons. Or the Ambrosia apples I'm eating. Or the moon. Or the tides. Anyway, whatever it is, I think the only way to get out of it is to just get out of it.
So today I sat down at the computer and started writing. And here I am blogging again.
Is that the key? I don't know, but I'll keep it up and let you know. If I keep blogging, I guess you'll know that I'm out of the procrastination mode and back into my regular writing mode. No guarantees, though, cuz if I don't know what causes it, I'm not sure I'm going to know how to get out of it.
Keep your fingers crossed, okay?
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